CODESYS Application Composer
Toplevel templates A toplevel template is a template for the start page of the generated visualization. It contains a frame as a placeholder for the user specific pages and tabs to switch to the diffe
CODESYS Application Composer
Generating Visualization Screens For visualization screens in the Application Composer all elements of CODESYS V3 as well as the embedded visualization screens can be used. Furthermore visu elements (
CODESYS Application Composer
Persistence Manager The Persistence Manager is a standard component of the Application Composer. It is used to manage persistent remanent data. It recognizes such variables by certain attributes in th
CODESYS Application Composer
Persistence Manager Module A double click on the Persistence Manager node in the module tree or the Edit object command opens the associated editors. Besides the standard editors of toplevel modules (
CODESYS Application Composer
Persistence Channel A persistence channel defines the storage settings for one or more groups of persistent variables. It can be added to a Persistence Manager node by use of the command Add submodule
CODESYS Application Composer
Module: Data Storage The submodule Data Storage defines the storage format of a persistence channel . . Choose one of the following storage formats: ASCIIFileStorage : Saving the values in ASCII forma
CODESYS Application Composer
Definition of Persistent Variables Single variables as well as structure instances and function block instances can be marked as "persistent" by the use of attributes. When an instance is marked, all
CODESYS Application Composer
Data Storage The storage of persistent variables can be triggered in various ways: Each persistence channel provides an application interface which can be used by the application to trigger a storage
CODESYS Application Composer
Storage Format There are two implementations of the interface IDataStorage available: ASCIIDataStorage and BinaryDataStorage . In both formats the first variable which is stored is the reserved variab
CODESYS Application Composer
Data Access The Persistence Manager provides up to 10 submodule instances of type PersistenceChannel. Each persistence channel provides a submodule instance of type DataStorage which is responsible fo