CODESYS Application Composer
Diagnosis Each persistence channel has a submodule which allows data access (interface IDataStorage ). The following outputs provide diagnostic information: Output Data Type Description xActionOngoing
CODESYS Application Composer
Error Handling Error numbers and the related strings are called or acknowledged by means of the standard module interfaces ( ClearErrors , FirstErrorNumber , GetFirstErrorMessage , LastErrorNumber , G
CODESYS Application Composer
DataLog Manager The DataLog Manager is a standard component of the Application Composer. It serves for cyclic storage of variable values into a file. These variables are flagged with special attribute
CODESYS Application Composer
Module: DataLog Manager The DataLog Manager manages the data logging of variables. It can be added to the module tree below the upper most object . This is done by the Add Toplevel Instance command an
CODESYS Application Composer
Module: DataLog Channel The DataLog Channel module is used to define groups for the variable storage. The module can be added below the Datalog Manager node. This is done by the Add Submodule Instance
CODESYS Application Composer
Module: DataLog Storage CSV The submodule DataLogStorage_CSV defines the storage format of a DataLog channel as CSV file. It can be added below a DataLog channel node. This is done by the Add Submodul
CODESYS Application Composer
Command: Add Toplevel Module Instance This command (category "Composer") opens the Module dialog which offers all top level modules which can be added to the module tree. There is no limitation to the
CODESYS Application Composer
Command: Add Submodule Instance This command (category "Composer") opens the Module dialog which offers all submodules which can be added to the selected position in the module tree. Submodules which
CODESYS Application Composer
Command: Reference Module Instance This command (category "Composer") opens the Module dialog which offers all modules which can be referenced at the selected position in the module tree. :
CODESYS Application Composer
Command: Show Module References View This command (category "Composer") opens the Module reference view and provides an overview of the usage of module instances in the project. The command is availab