CODESYS Application Composer
variable of type POINTER [...] POINTER TO POINTER [...] POINTER TO <interface
CODESYS Application Composer
VisuFB : POINTER TO POINTER TO AC [...] VisuFB is an array of pointers
CODESYS Application Composer
ModuleInfo : POINTER [...] pointer to a Module [...] pointer to an instance
CODESYS Application Composer
. It must be a pointer [...] of the input is a pointer [...] of the module FB or a pointer
CODESYS Application Composer
When the mouse pointer [...] . When the pointer is moved [...] &drop When the mouse pointer
CODESYS Application Composer
. The data type is POINTER [...] and the pointer of the array [...] of the pointer variable
CODESYS Application Composer
Data: POINTER TO ARRAY [...] ReceiverModuleID: UINT; pmd: POINTER
CODESYS Application Composer
CODESYS Application Composer
ProxyIdentification(pbyName : POINTER TO BYTE [...] no pointers, interfaces