, specify a name [...] Name Name of the IEC [...] , the name of the type
, specify a name [...] , for which you have specified a name [...] generate new instances
<name> of the SymbolType <symbol type name [...] name>._symbols file
Code QualifiedName Localized [...] specification: OpcUA_<name> . [...] a variable named
, and the instance name [...] Symbolic, the name [...] , and the network name
with their original type name [...] of the previously used name [...] _PRG.outerInst.innerInst.dwVar Property to POU instance
<name of data source [...] : When an instance of a function [...] , the instance is always
the object name [...] on the desired <name of IEC [...] Variable name (example
. <device name>.<application name [...] >\<project name>.<device name
ApplicationInstance [...] Forbids ApplicationInstance [...] -separated list ApplicationName