CODESYS Development System
Customizing Toolbars You can customize the toolbars of the CODESYS user interface. In a configuration dialog, you can add or remove toolbars. Removing a toolbar or command Click Tools → Customize . Th
CODESYS Development System
Boolean Conversion String manipulation when converting to STRING or WSTRING When converting the type to STRING or WSTRING , the typed value is left-aligned as a string and truncated if it is too long.
CODESYS Development System
Integer Conversion Important If the operand value for a type conversion operator is outside of the value range of the target data type, then the result output depends on the processor type and is ther
CODESYS Development System
Floating-Point Number Conversion Important If the operand value for a type conversion operator is outside of the value range of the target data type, then the result output depends on the processor ty
CODESYS Development System
String Conversion Important If the operand value for a type conversion operator is outside of the value range of the target data type, then the result output depends on the processor type and is there
CODESYS Development System
Time Conversion Important If the operand value for a type conversion operator is outside of the value range of the target data type, then the result output depends on the processor type and is therefo
CODESYS Development System
Date and Time Conversion Important If the operand value for a type conversion operator is outside of the value range of the target data type, then the result output depends on the processor type and i
CODESYS Development System
Operator: TRUNC The IEC operator is used for converting the REAL data type into the DINT data type. CODESYS takes only the integer part of the number. Tip In CoDeSys V2.3 , the TRUNC operator converts
CODESYS Development System
Operator: TRUNC_INT The IEC operator is used for converting the REAL data type into the INT data type. CODESYS takes only the integer part of the number. Tip TRUNC_INT corresponds to the TRUNC operato
CODESYS Development System
Operator: ABS The IEC operator yields the absolute value of a number. Permitted data types for input and output variables and numeric constants: any numeric basic data type Example 139 . Examples Resu