CODESYS Development System
Symbolic bit access [...] of data type BIT to combine individual bits
CODESYS Development System
bit X Single bit B BYTE 8 bits W WORD 16 bits D DWORD 32
CODESYS Development System
individual bit values [...] in succession in the bit [...] with its individual bit addresses
CODESYS Development System
bit variable [...] . Passing bit variables : A bit variable
CODESYS Development System
>' is not a valid bit [...] Attempted access to a bit [...] Use a bit value
CODESYS Development System
internally if a single bit [...] specification of a single bit [...] , only the input bit 7.5 is read
CODESYS Development System
bits WORD 0 65535 16 bits DWORD 0 4294967295 32-bit LWORD 0
CODESYS Development System
__XINT | __XWORD | BIT [...] types BIT , __UXINT , [...] __XWORD | BIT | BOOL |
CODESYS Development System
of type BIT must [...] of type BIT or as a VAR [...] variables of type BIT
CODESYS Development System
0206 Message : BIT [...] BIT array. Error [...] Do not declare BIT arrays