CODESYS Development System
Attribute: call_after_global_init_slot Important VAR_INPUT declarations in functions or methods that use the attribute lead to compile errors. Reason: Input variables are unknown in this case at the t
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: no_instance_in_retain The pragma has the effect that function modules decorated with it cannot be instantiated as a RETAIN variable. The pragma prevents the instance of a function block fro
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: no_virtual_actions The pragma is used for function blocks that are derived from a function block implemented in SFC and use the fundamental SFC sequence of this base class. The actions call
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: pingroup The effect of this pragma is that the input pins or output pins (parameters) are grouped in the declaration of a function block. In the FBD/LD editor, a pin group defined in this w
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: pin_presentation_order_inputs, pin_presentation_order_outputs Important This pragma is not evaluated when {attribute 'pingroup' := '<Group_Name>'} pragma is used. The pragmas are evaluated
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: call_after_online_change_slot Important VAR_INPUT declarations in functions or methods that use the attribute lead to compile errors. The reason is that in this case the input variables are
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: call_before_global_exit_slot Important VAR_INPUT declarations in functions or methods that use the attribute lead to compile errors. Reason: Input variables are unknown in this case at the
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: call_on_type_change The effect of this pragma is that a method decorated with is called if the data type of the function blocks referenced there changes in the superordinate function block.
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: conditionalshow The pragma has the effect that the identifiers of an integrated compiled library <library name>.compiled-library , which are decorated with the pragma, are hidden before pro
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: conditionalshow_all_locals The pragma has the effect that all all local variables of a library POU decorated with the pragma are hidden from application programmers. The POUs of an integrat