CODESYS Development System
Attribute: const_replaced, const_non_replaced The 'const_replaced' attribute has the effect that the constant is replaced in the code, independently of the setting of the Replace constants compiler op
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: dataflow With this pragma you control the data flow in the processing of function blocks in the FBD/LD/IL editor. The attribute defines the input or output of a function block to which the
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: displaymode The pragma defines the display mode of an individual variable. This definition overwrites the global setting for the display of the monitoring variable, which takes place via th
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: is_connected You use the pragma 'is_connected' to decorate a Boolean function block variable which, when a function module instance is called, provides information about whether the associa
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: linkalways The pragma {attribute 'linkalways'} instructs the compiler to always include a POU or a library POU in the compile information. During the build, the POU is compiled and is part
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: monitoring_display This pragma in the declaration of a function block or a structure has the effect that the current value of the specified member ( property or Variable) is also displayed
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: monitoring_encoding The attribute pragma is allowed for variables of data type STRING and for variables of an alias data type of type STRING . The attribute has the effect that the values o
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: no_check The pragma has the effect that the check function ( POUs for Implicit Checks ) is not called for for the POU. Since the check functions can affect the processing speed of the progr
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: no_copy In general, an online change requires a re-allocation of instances of a POU. In the process, the value of the variable contained in the instance is copied. The pragma prevents the v
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: ProcessValue With the 'ProcessValue' attribute, you decorate a member of a structure. In the CFC editor, you can then use the Use Attributed Members as Input command in order to connect thi