CODESYS Development System
Command: Read PLC parameter file to configuration Function : The command reads the IoConfig.par configuration file of the PLC and saves the values in the project. This kind of file is created when the
CODESYS Development System
Command: Online Config Mode Function : The command is for switching the online configuration mode on and off. When switching on, it establishes a connection to the PLC and downloads an implicitly crea
CODESYS Development System
Command: Generate Code Symbol: Keyboard shortcut: F11 Function : The command starts the code generation for the active application. Call : Build menu This command generates code like when the applicat
CODESYS Development System
Command: Clean Function : The command deletes the compile information for the active application. Call : Build menu At the last download, the compile information was created and saved to a file (*.com
CODESYS Development System
Command: Clean All Function : The command deletes the compile information for all applications in the project. Call : Build menu During the last download, the compile information was created in the lo
CODESYS Development System
Command: Build Function : The command starts the compile operation for the active application. Call : The command is not in any menu by default. You can insert it into a menu by means of the Tools → C
CODESYS Development System
Command: Rebuild Function : The command starts the build operation for the active application, even if the last build did not contain errors. Call : The command is not in any menu by default. You can
CODESYS Development System
Command: Options Function : The command opens the Options dialog for configuring the CODESYS options. These options define the behavior and appearance of the CODESYS user interface. CODESYS saves the
CODESYS Development System
Command: Import and Export Options Function : The command opens the Import and Export Options dialog. Here you can configure the export and import of selected settings of the CODESYS options. The sett