CODESYS Development System
Operator: TRUNC_INT The IEC operator is used for converting the REAL data type into the INT data type. CODESYS takes only the integer part of the number. Tip TRUNC_INT corresponds to the TRUNC operato
CODESYS Development System
Operator: ABS The IEC operator yields the absolute value of a number. Permitted data types for input and output variables and numeric constants: any numeric basic data type Example 139 . Examples Resu
CODESYS Development System
Operator: SQRT The IEC operator yields the square root of a number. Permitted data types for input variables: any numeric basic data type Permitted data types for output variables: REAL and LREAL Exam
CODESYS Development System
Operator: LN The IEC operator yields the natural logarithm of a number. Permitted data types for input variables: any numeric basic data type Permitted data types for output variables: REAL and LREAL
CODESYS Development System
Operator: EXP The IEC operator yields the exponential function. Permitted data types for input variables: any numeric basic data type Permitted data types for output variables: REAL and LREAL Example
CODESYS Development System
Operator: EXPT The IEC operator raises a number to a higher power and returns the power of the base raised to the exponent: power = base exponent . The input values (parameters) are the base and the e
CODESYS Development System
Operator: __ISVALIDREF The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. The operator is used for checking whether a reference refers to a valid value. For a description of use and an example,
CODESYS Development System
Operator: __QUERYPOINTER The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. At runtime, the operator makes it possible to convert the type of an interface reference of a function block to a poi
CODESYS Development System
Operator: __TRY, __CATCH, __FINALLY, __ENDTRY These operators are extended from the IEC 61131-3 standard and they are used for specific exception handling in IEC code. Syntax __TRY <statements_try> __
CODESYS Development System
Operator: __POSITION The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-1 standard. At runtime, the operator yields the position of a variable in the declaration part or in the implementation part of a POU