CODESYS Development System
Operator: Library Namespace Syntax: <library namespace>.<library POU identifier> Example: LIB_A.FB_A A library POU identifier is appended with the library namespace (as a prefix separated by a dot) fo
CODESYS Development System
Operator: Enumeration Namespace The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. You can use the TYPE name of an enumeration for unique access to an enumeration constant. In this way, you can
CODESYS Development System
Operator: __POOL The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. The operator is used to reference objects which are managed in the global POU pool (in the POUs view). The operator directly
CODESYS Development System
Operator: INI Tip The INI operator is an operator of CoDeSys V2.3 . This operator is replaced by the FB_Init method as of CODESYS V3. However, you can still use this operator in projects that are impo
CODESYS Development System
Operators for type conversion Important The rounding logic for borderline cases depends on the target system or the FPU ( Floating Point Unit ) of the target system. For example, a value of -1.5 can b
CODESYS Development System
Overloading conversion Overloading Tip The IEC 61131-3 standard does not provide for overloaded functions. If you want to program strictly according to IEC 61131-3, then you need to use the operators
CODESYS Development System
Conversion: BOOL The operators BOOL_TO_<type> convert a Boolean value into the specified data types and return a type-converted value. Call syntax : < BOOL_TO_<type> ( <operand> ) Operand Data Type De
CODESYS Development System
Conversion: Integer The operators convert an integer value into the target type and return a type-converted value. If the number to be converted exceeds the range limit, then the first bytes of the nu
CODESYS Development System
Performing an Online Change CODESYS automatically offers you an online change if you login with an application that is already present on the controller, but has been changed since the last download i
CODESYS Development System
Execution of a download A download of the application causes a compilation of the active application. In that time, a syntax check is performed and application code is also created and downloaded to t