CODESYS Development System
Constant: Typed Literal With the ecxeption of REAL or LREAL -Constants (in this case, always LREAL is used) the smallest possible data type is used when calculating with IEC constants. If you want to
CODESYS Development System
Access to Variables in Arrays, Structures, and Blocks Access to array elements Syntax: <name of array variable> [ <comma-separated list of dimension indexes> ] <name of array variable> Name of the a
CODESYS Development System
Bit Access in Variables Important Implement concurrent bit access by two tasks only if the processor can execute bit access directly on the memory. All x86 and x64 systems have commands for bit access
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: Implicit Enumeration The implicit enumeration allows for an easy way to declare a new enumeration variable which is valid only within the local POU. A variable of this type can take a limit
CODESYS Development System
Operator: MUL The IEC operator is used to multiply variables. Permitted data types: BYTE , WORD , DWORD , LWORD , SINT , USINT , INT , UINT , DINT , UDINT , LINT , ULINT , REAL , LREAL , TIME Feature
CODESYS Development System
Operator: SUB The IEC operator subtracts variables. Permitted data types: BYTE , WORD , DWORD , LWORD , SINT , USINT , INT , UINT , DINT , UDINT , LINT , ULINT , REAL , LREAL , TIME , LTIME , TIME_OF_
CODESYS Development System
Operator: DIV The IEC operator is used to divide variables. Permitted data types: BYTE , WORD , DWORD , LWORD , SINT , USINT , INT , UINT , DINT , UDINT , LINT , ULINT , REAL , LREAL , TIME Important
CODESYS Development System
Operator: MOD The IEC operator is used for modulo division. The result of the function is the non-negative, integer remainder of division. Permitted data types: BYTE , WORD , DWORD , LWORD , SINT , US
CODESYS Development System
Operator: MOVE The IEC operator is used for assigning a variable to another variable of a corresponding type. Because MOVE is available in the CFC, FBD, and LD editors, you can also use the EN/ENO fun
CODESYS Development System
Operator: SIZEOF Tip In compiler version and higher, the XSIZEOF operator should be used instead of this operator. The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. Syntax : <return v