CODESYS Development System
Conditional Pragmas Important You use conditional pragmas in the implementations of ST POUs. CODESYS does not evaluate the conditional pragmas when you use them in the declaration part. The exception
CODESYS Development System
Region Pragma The pragma is used to combine multiple lines in a text editor to a block. The block can be named. Region pragmas can also be nested. Code with region pragma: Expanded and collapsed views
CODESYS Development System
Identifier Designation Rules and recommendations for the identifier designation for variables, constants, functions, function blocks, methods, and other objects :
CODESYS Development System
Rules Rules for variables An identifier must not contain spaces or special characters. The underscore is recognized. For example, A_BCD and AB_CD are treated as two different identifiers. Multiple con
CODESYS Development System
For variables Whenever possible, you should name variables in Hungarian notation in applications and libraries. Find a meaningful, short, English name for each variable as a base name, which can consi
CODESYS Development System
For Variables in CODESYS V3 Libraries Identifier designation recommendation for Description Example Variable Corresponds to the description for variable names, with the exception that global variables
CODESYS Development System
For Custom Data Types Identifier designation recommendation for Description Example Structures Library prefix followed by an underscore and a short, informative description of the structure The associ
CODESYS Development System
Shortcuts Users can customize the key combinations for their specific needs. The CODESYS Development System provides a series of default key combinations. These key combinations can be changed on the
CODESYS Development System
Error Messages and Warnings :