CODESYS Development System
Compiler Error C0239 Message : Interface <interface name 1> does not extend <interface name 2> Possible error cause : The used interface does not extend another interface. Error correction : Extend th
CODESYS Development System
Compiler Error C0240 Message : First Operand of __QueryPointer must be an interface reference or the instance of a function block Possible error cause : Incorrect operands are passed to the operator _
CODESYS Development System
Compiler Error C0241 Message : Second Operand of __QueryPointer must be pointer Possible error cause : Incorrect operands are passed to the operator __QueryPointer . Error correction : Pass a pointer.
CODESYS Development System
Compiler Error C0242 Message : Operand of __DELETE must be pointer Possible error cause : An incorrect operand is passed to the operator __DELETE . Error correction : Pass a pointer. Example 433 . Exa
CODESYS Development System
Compiler Error C0243 Message : The name used in the signature is not identical to the object name Possible error cause : The object name differs from the name used in the code. Error correction : make
CODESYS Development System
Objects Objects in CODESYS provide specific functionalities for creating your application. Examples: Application, Program, Function, Library Manager, Device, and Image Pool. Objects are managed in tre
CODESYS Development System
Device Diagnosis CODESYS provides general and fieldbus-specific function blocks for performing a diagnosis on the connected devices. General diagnosis You can perform a diagnosis on devices regardless
CODESYS Development System
Fieldbus Devices and I/O Drivers The technical basis for each fieldbus device, which is configured in the device tree, is the I/O driver. The I/O driver is the link between the fieldbus stack, the IEC
CODESYS Development System
Bus Cycle Task Generally, for each IEC task, the used input data is read at the start of each task (1) and the written output data is transferred to the I/O driver at the end of the task (3). The impl
CODESYS Development System
Symbolic Access to I/O Channels You get direct access to the I/O channels of your device by means of specially generated function blocks, without having to actively set up a mapping manually for each