with 8 digital inputs [...] Face Digital and Text [...] to the Raspberry PiFace Digital
with 8 digital inputs [...] with 8 digital inputs [...] with 8 digital inputs
S settings [...] settings) Message size [...] Setting up a Mosquitto
Face Digital I/O hardware with 8 digital inputs [...] of inputs and outputs
Face Digital I/O hardware with 8 digital inputs [...] of inputs and outputs
, where the digital inputs
of the earlier input is set [...] the inputs and outputs [...] . Description The inputs
the input M1 to M4 Sets [...] inputs and 8 outputs [...] inputs and 8 outputs
and check input values. The IEditBoxInputHandler event handler is set
. Set the endpoint [...] TClient.sHostname input. Example [...] .iot.yyyyyyyy.amazonaws.com) Set the device name