Dialog: Options: Git Symbol: Function: The dialog contains settings for CODESYS Git . For more information about the CODESYS options, see: Dialog: Options Call: Menu Table 1 . Certificate Handling Alw
Command: Git Project Settings Function : The command opens the Git project settings view. The view shows the path of the Git project storage (local repository) for the project which is currently open.
Command: Status & Staging Symbol: ( git status ) Function : The command opens the Git Status & Staging view. The view shows the Git status of the objects which have changed since the last commit. In t
Command: Branches Symbol: ( git branch ) Function : The command opens the Git Branches view where the branches for the work in the Git repository are created and managed. Call : Git menu Requirement :
Command: Remotes Shortcut: F7 ( git remote ) Function : The command opens the Remotes view. In the view, the remote repositories are managed, which are used in connection with the local Git repositori
Command: History ( git log ) Function : The command opens the History view. The view shows the history of commits in the repository. Call : Git menu Requirement : The open CODESYS project is managed i
Command: Git init Symbol: ( git init ) Function : The command opens the Initialize Git Repository dialog to initialize a local Git repository for the open CODESYS project. During initialization, the p
Command: Git Clone ( git clone ) Function : The command opens the Git Clone dialog. With the help of the dialog, a remote repository is copied to an empty directory, which in turn becomes a new local
Command: Git Deinit Function : The command deletes the entire Git project storage . As a result, the open CODESYS project is no longer available in Git. Call : Git menu Requirement : A Git project sto