When encryption is set [...] Settings – Security ), [...] name) is provided
from the Git settings user.name [...] out instead. Branch name [...] . This name for the local
Settings view. CODESYS [...] is usually named origin . [...] of the same name. A local branch
in CODESYS and name it [...] _Remote as the Alias name . Select [...] .path.join("D:/JiraTickets/GIT-912/repos/Test_Manager_IEC_Unit_Test_2") # Name
should be linked Alias name Note: The usual name in Git [...] :///D:/GitRep/Remote/<repository name> , https
. Depending on the set [...] strategy" is set [...] . Depending on this setting
_repository_path) project.git.branch_set [...] .path.join(basepath, "projects\\") library_file_name [...] .path.join(project_basepath, library_file_name