:\Program Files\CODESYS
Command: Register Sandbox Symbol: Function : Opens the Register Sandbox dialog. There you can add an installation, which is available as a sandbox in a directory on the computer, to the list of availa
Command: Create Clean Sandbox from Setup Symbol: Function : The command opens the Create Clean Sandbox from Setup dialog. You configure which setup (available installation) should be stored as a clean
CLI Commands The CODESYS Installer has a command-line interface in which various commands and their options can be executed. The interface is installed together with the CODESYS Installer package. Syn
Command: --addSandbox Function : The command adds a sandbox to the settings. Call : APInstaller.CLI Table 11 . Options --targetDirectory <string> Required Directory where the sandbox is located A high
Command: --createSuitableInstallation Function : The command creates an installation with the newest CODESYS version, which corresponds to the specified types, and opens the specified project. Call :