which are configured as PLC 1 and PLC 2 are running [...] : PLC 1 is running. A
and PLC 2 is running [...] is used on the PLC [...] to both PLC devices
that the other PLC is not running [...] , but they run non [...] by the other PLC within a
of the PLC 2 . You can [...] editor of PLC 1 . [...] , that is the logger PlcLog for a
your PLC with a redundant PLC. The redundant PLC is able
when these are run redundantly [...] on PLC 1 Input field [...] and port for the PLC 1
which are each running on a PLC. As a [...] , which are run as CODESYS Web [...] of the PLC . The following
. The visualization runs on a [...] Configuration PLC 2 REDU [...] PLC - on call