not faulty. DiscTime11_12 TIME T#0s Constant 0 [...] discrepancy time for Muting
with the time difference (MonitoringTime) to close [...] . DiscrepancyTime TIME T
for the second time) S [...] time monitoring [...] requested TestTime TIME T
off within a defined time ( MonitoringTime [...] the defined time, S
. DiscTimeEntry TIME T [...] discrepancy time for S [...] _MutingSwitch12 The "DiscTime
_ValuesToHost_tick_DC has been set two times [...] . With the second impulse
under discrepancy time monitoring [...] NO closed DiscrepancyTime TIME T#0ms Constant
. MaxMutingTime TIME [...] Maximum time [...] is actuated. The MaxMutingTime
in the same network. Watchdog time [...] the Watchdog time value ( [...] the time behavior
start). Timing diagram Timing diagrams [...] . They do not represent the exact time