Library: SafetyPLCopen Identification of the library described here: SafetyPLCopen, (system) Basis: PLCopen TC5: Safety Software, Part 1: Concepts and Function Blocks , Version 1.0, Jan. 2006
SF_Equivalent Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standards SF_Equiva
SF_Antivalent Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standards SF_Antiva
SF_ModeSelector Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standards SF_Mode
SF_EmergencyStop Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standards SF_Eme
SF_ESPE (Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment) Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Ap
SF_GuardMonitoring Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standards SF_G
SF_TwoHandControlTypeII Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standards
SF_TwoHandControlTypeIII Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blocks . Applicable safety standard
SF_GuardLocking (Safety Guard Interlocking with Locking) Tip The version of the function block as described here corresponds to the latest version of the function block in Version list of function blo