Editor of the safety controller Important For teleaccess, only the following buttons (commands) of this editor and its tabs can be activated: . Tab: Communication Settings All buttons and commands, ex
Device editor of the safety controller The device editor provides dialogs for configuration, communication with the standard controller, online mode, and diagnosis. The device editor of the safety con
Tab: Communication Settings The settings for the communication of the CODESYS Safety Extension development system with the safety PLC are configured on the Communication Settings tab of the safety PLC
Tab: Log Log The Log tab displays the log of the safety controller. It is used as a log and to diagnose runtime errors of the application and system errors. It can help to find the cause of an error i
Tab: Safety Online Information The Safety Online Information tab of the safety PLC provides information about the safety PLC with which CODESYS Safety Extension is currently connected. The controller
Tab: Status The diagnostic messages for the safety controller and the diagnostic messages for the status of the connection of the safety controller to superordinate or subordinate devices are shown on
Information Corresponds to the Information tab of CODESYS Help. :