. Table 44 . VAR_INPUT [...] FALSE General input [...] _GuardMonitoring SAFEBOOL FALSE Variable
36 . VAR_INPUT [...] FALSE General input [...] _Button1 SAFEBOOL FALSE Variable
or all variables, POUs, or FB [...] variable by entering "‹ variable name ›",
has safe input and [...] I/Os to variables [...] . These inputs and outputs
independent input [...] independent input [...] the guard. Table 32 . VAR_INPUT
inputs can be linked [...] if at least one input [...] of the Boolean variable Var
. The valid data of input [...] variables. Call : Menu
oo2 input modules [...] oo2 Input Modules [...] variables
input of the two [...] . Figure 123 . Variable [...] 104 . Inputs: Name
an input signal ( S [...] that two inputs switch [...] devices. Table 80 . VAR_INPUT