Behavior in Case of Error If an axis error occurs (for example, the axis switches to the state Errorstop ), the active movement will report an error along with all other accepted movements. If an FB e
Behavior of MC_MoveSuperImposed and MC_HaltSuperImposed If MC_MoveSuperImposed or MC_HaltSuperImposed is active and the underlying movement is aborted, then MC_MoveSuperImposed / MC_HaltSuperImposed i
Dynamic Adaptation with MC_SetOverride The dynamics (velocity, acceleration, and jerk) of the active and future movements can be adapted by using MC_SetOverride . An adaptation of the dynamics always
Forecast The forecast function can be used to query information about the future movement of an axis. An important application of forecast is to determine the time until a position is reached (similar
Common Errors This page describes common errors when using CODESYS Softmotion Basic , their causes, and possible actions to take to correct the error. For a list of all possible errors with a brief de
Performance POUs which use the AXIS_REF_SM3 function block always check whether or not they are called from the bus cycle task. This check can be disabled for time-critical applications by means of th
Tab: Scaling/Mapping On this tab, you can define the relationship between technical units (for example, millimeters or degrees) and the drive units (increments). Depending on the device description, t
Tab: Commissioning Caution You can move the drive by means of buttons on this page. The drive may make unexpected movements. Take all necessary safety precautions. This tab is used for testing purpose
Tab: SoftMotion Drive – Position Control On this tab, you set the parameters for the position control. Please also note the example Position Control on the Controller with SM_Drive_PosControl . Table