Gantry System with Tool Offset If the axis of the tool has an offset and does not coincide with the Z-axis of the gantry system, then the contact point of the tool does not agree with the X/Y/Z-positi
H-Gantry with Stationary Axes The kinematic configuration is similar to the gantry system, but the axes (drives) are firmly mounted. They move the tool holder by means of a belt. Transformation by mea
T-Gantry with Stationary Axes This kinematic system is similar to H-gantry systems. The drives here are also mounted stationary and the tool holder is moved by means of a belt. The transformations tha
Polar System Polar systems consist of a rotational axis (direction) and a linear axis (distance). The origin and the direction of the linear axis can be changed by means of the offsets dPhi and dR . F
2-Jointed SCARA System The Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) is a special type of industrial robot that is similar to a human arm. A SCARA system has two axes and two degrees of freedom.
3-Jointed SCARA System The 3-jointed SCARA system has a third axis which allows movement at a constant direction. As in 2-jointed systems, the movement is restricted to the X/Y plane. For more informa
Parallel Kinematics Tripod with linear axes This system has three linear drives that are in a defined angle to each other. The drives consist of 3 rails with traversing slides. The tool plate is conne
4-Axis Palletizer Kinematics The 4-axis palletizer kinematics is a general robot type that is used frequently for palletizing tasks. The kinematics are provided with four controlled rotary axes (marke
CNC Language in DIN 66025 :
3D Mode G code : G15 , G16 , G17 , G18 , G19 G Code Description G15 Switches to 2D mode. Valid for all other elements G16 Activates the 3D plane function in the normal plane with normal vector I/J/K a