: [-90°, 180°] Axis 5 [...] 90° 5 0° 0 0 -90
). An unrealistically high value of 5
override of 0.5 is set [...] at position 5, the velocity [...] decelerates to 5 units
G5 , G10 Function [...] and tangent. Syntax G5 X Y [...] 100 (Startposition) N10 G5 X20 Y
off the UV lamp 1.5 s [...] 0.5 [...] at X=5. The trigger
5th degree [...] by a 5th degree [...] the coefficients of the 5
of type Poly5 can [...] Builder.Append( SMCB.Poly5( SMCB [...] Builder.Append( SMCB.Poly5( SMCB
requirements SM V4.5.1.0 or higher Compiler V3.5