. Assign the input value [...] _ENCODER_AXIS>.diEncoderPosition variable [...] During the initialization of the fieldbus
should have an initial value [...] _INPUT variables of the function [...] type and their value
its values. You program a [...] Declare a variable [...] _GEOINFO with an initial step. Example
values of variables [...] Program variables [...] value is a
with the initial values [...] the values [...] the value of the table
values: X Y V A 0 0 0 [...] has to be initialized. Three segments [...] _CAM_REF is then initialized and written
value D to variable O [...] variable O by value D [...] 51 Variable value G36 / G
initialization code [...] initialization code {attribute [...] , fValue:=0, diValue
settings Modulo value : Value of one cycle The value is saved
until the acceleration limit value [...] so that the velocity limit value [...] SetAcceleration variables for each axis