Poly5 (5th degree
to 5. N1000 G36 O$g_i$ D5 Lines 1010 [...] 36 O$g_i$ D5 N1010 G
0 R#RADIUS Z2.5 F [...] #RADIUS Z7.5 END
is a 2.5D object [...] 150 J100 K45 R0.5 :
are added: a Poly5 [...] and another Poly5 element
of CODESYS version 3.5 SP [...] directory named DocScripting\3.5 [...] to use Version 0.12.5
L4 A L5 B L6 C L
_TGantry2 (FB) 5-axis gantry -- Kin_5Axes (FB
is interpolated using a 5
1, G2, G3, G5, G6, G