that describes a rotary table [...] after the rotary table [...] and the rotary table continues
of the MC_CamIn function [...] _CamIn function block, see: MC [...] virtual axes
function blocks. Insert a virtual drive [...] _MoveAbsolute function block 1: Move
mechanism of the function [...] _MoveAbsolute function block can [...] virtual drive named
an interface for function [...] specification "Function [...] of functions extends
. The function of the project [...] virtual drive (z-axis) Function block
four virtual axes [...] : For more information, see: Virtual [...] of the MC_Power function
probe function [...] virtual drives → SM
: Insert two virtual [...] with the MC_Power function [...] _Interpolator POU. The function
virtual drive A [...] _Drive with the MC_Power function [...] _ControlAxisByPos function block