Standard Use Cases The SM3_Basic library contains superordinate function blocks which do not interact with the drive over the standard set/actual value interface. These function blocks provide command
Interrupting Single-Axis Movements Single-axis movements, such as MC_MoveAbsolute , can be interrupted at any time by other movements. This can be a movement to a different position or a change in max
Persisting an Axis Position An axis which has an absolute encoder can save a position so that it retains its previous position after restarting the controller. Homing is not required. The SMC3_Persist
Initial Position Detection of a Modulo Axis The actual position of a drive or encoder is transmitted as DWORD to the controller. For a modulo axis, the period P is defined in increments by the modulo
Command: Add SoftMotion CiA402 Axis Function : The command adds a general SoftMotion CiA402 axis below a fieldbus slave in the device tree. Call : Project menu; context menu of a device object in the
Command: Add SoftMotion Sercos Axis Function : The command adds a general SoftMotion Sercos axis below a Sercos Module. Call : Project menu; context menu of the Sercos Slave Requirement : An appropria
Command: Add SoftMotion SoE Axis Function : The command adds a general SoftMotion SoE axis below an EtherCAT Slave. Call : Project menu; context menu of the slave Requirement : An appropriate EtherCAT