Tab: General Table 6 . Axis type and limits Virtual mode The drive is replaced by a simulation that is similar to a virtual drive unit. When there is a coupled drive, this does not have any effect on
Overview The SoftMotion cam is integrated in the user interface of CODESYS . In the cam editor, cams and tappets can be implemented graphically or by means of tables. As soon as code is generated for
Definition of a SoftMotion Cam A cam describes the functional dependency of one drive (slave) on another drive (master). The relationship is described by a continuous function (or curve) that maps a d
Structure of the Cam Editor :
Overview Open the cam editor by double-clicking the Cam object in the device tree. . The editor consists of the following tabs: Tab: Cam tab: In this editor, you use a graphical editor to create a cam
Tab: Tappets In this graphical editor, the tappet paths are defined. A tappet path defines one or more tappets depending on the master position. At the upper edge of the editor window, a horizontal ax
Tab: Tappet Table In this tabular table, you can also configure the tappet paths as an alternative to the graphical editor ( Tab: Tappets ). A tappet path defines one or more tappets depending on the
How to create a cam The steps for creating a cam are explained by means of a sample application that describes a rotary table with eight slots (45° division). Inside, there is a component that is fuse
How to change the cam path These instructions use the example from the How to create a cam chapter to demonstrate how to change a cam. Changing the path with the graphical editor Open the Rotary table
How to define switch points Use switch points to trigger events depending on the master position. For example, this can be the setting of an output or the calling of a function block. These instructio