MOTION_PRG VAR iStatus [...] _VAR CASE iStatus OF // [...] :=Drive); IF Power.Status THEN iStatus
of the synchronized movement. SMC_FB_CALLED_FROM_WRONG_TASK [...] was called from a task which does not correspond to the bus task
tasks over multiple [...] -intensive tasks, such as CNC [...] . Then there is more time for other tasks
_PRG running in the bus task [...] group planning task [...] _CHECK_TRIGGER state, the status
cyclic task [...] Then the IEC task cycle time [...] when you change the task cycle
Execute : power2.Status [...] Execute power1.Status [...] to the task MainTask .
the current status [...] status before the halt [...] , but it is guaranteed that the status
DriveStart:=TRUE); IF Power_Drive1.Status AND Power_Drive2.Status AND Power_Drive3.Status