Local Variables [...] declare local variables [...] . Local variables
of variables to inputs [...] the variables with the axis [...] the variable out
_ENCODER_AXIS>.diEncoderPosition variable [...] During the initialization of the fieldbus
variable [...] _IF Declare and initialize a variable
FeatureBit (initial value 0 [...] is saved in the variable
Declare a variable [...] _GEOINFO with an initial step. Example [...] Initial path element n
the required state SMC_COMSTATE_BASE_COM_INITIALIZATION [...] the error will output SMC_RAG_ERROR_AXIS_NOT_INITIALIZED [...] DriveStart variable determines
variable is used [...] : The behavior of the variable [...] bVar is initially
has to be initialized. Three segments [...] _CAM_REF is then initialized and written [...] into a global variable
to initialize and switch [...] Fired variable which is set