Dialog: Options: TestManager Symbol: Function : The dialog is used to configure the options for debugging the CODESYS Test Manager . Call : Tools → Options command, TestManager category Allow screensh
Command: Switch Breakpoint Activation Symbol: Function : The command enables or disables a breakpoint in a test script element. Call : Context menu of the test script element where the breakpoint is s
Context Menu in the Test Scripts Editor :
Command: Execute Test Script with Calibration Symbol: Function : The command starts a calibration run of the test script in which set values are determined and saved during the test run. Call : Test M
Command: Insert Action Function : The command inserts a test action above the selected test action in the test script editor. Call : Test Manager menu Context menu of a test action Requirement : The e
Action: InstallMessageHandler Function : The action replies automatically together with the action UninstallAndCheckMessageHandler and checks message windows which would block during an automatic test
Element: Test Case Symbol: Function : The test element structures the test actions into logical units in the test script. When you select a <test case> test element in the test script, the Test Case t
Action: AddLibrary Function : The action adds a library reference to a specific Library Manager. If the function cannot be inserted into the Library Manager, then the action fails. Call : Library test
Configuring a test table First add a test table object. The Add test table dialog helps with the configuration. When you specify a testee in this dialog, its inputs and outputs are displayed. You can