: Configuration Input string [...] by the specified text [...] by the configured text
Case EXTENDS TM.Testcase VAR_INPUT [...] limit to 5 . [...] upper limit //
, the input x [...] TestCaseIndex input, the number n [...] TestCaseIndex input from 0 to n
tree, to the input [...] . Only Structured Text (ST [...] . It is not necessary to use input
by means of the Input [...] ASCII text [...] . It is not necessary to use input
for the user Input field for the text [...] . It is not necessary to use input
the inputs and outputs [...] and the Structured Text (ST [...] _RIGHT function block: VAR_INPUT
if the specified time limit [...] . It is not necessary to use input [...] variables. Input
in this input area. Input [...] , the input parameters [...] Context.GlobalVariables.Set("TestVar1", "Some Text
Text) . [...] . Templates and the Input