Action: Delay Function : This action waits for the specified time (in milliseconds) and then the test run is continued. Call : System test driver Tab: Configuration Delay [ms] Waiting time (in millise
Testing the TON Function Block This example shows the test of the standard TON function block in the Standard library. The test code is configured with a test table. Inserting the Test Table object fo
Command: Add IEC Unit Test Function : The command adds an IEC Unit Test element in the test script editor. The element is positioned after the last test element in the selected test script or branch.
Creating a Test Project A test project which is suitable for a system test contains a compilable application with the system settings of the test system. Make sure that the test system is as similar a
Automating the System Test Example: Examples.CounterTest Tip You can find the CODESYS sample projects Bspdt-TestManager and CounterTest in the C:\ProgramData\CODESYS Test Manager directory. In a test
Element: IEC Unit Test Symbol: Function : The IEC Unit Test element is used for automatically searching the (preparatory) loaded test project for test POUs and test tables, and then creating a test ap
Scheme for Multitest POUs Defining a test POU If your test consists of multiple uniform test cases, then you can implement one multitest POU instead of many single test POUs. Multitest POUs follow a s
Scheme for Single Test POUs Defining a test POU To define a test POU for a single test case, a function block has to be written which follows a specific scheme and contains the test logic. The most im
Command: Add Object – Test Table Symbol: Function : The command opens the Add test table dialog to create a test table for a POU to be tested. Depending on the context, the <test table> object is adde
Dialog: Edit Repository Locations Function : The dialog manages the test repositories which are located on the file system of the development system. Call : Test Manager view, Edit Test Repository opt