of type DateTime (.NET) is returned. The time [...] of the DateTime object
DATE DInt DINT DateAndTime DATE_AND_TIME DWord [...] : Date and time types
during that time. Local timeout [...] maximum time spans [...] and all test cases. Local
.NET DateTime [...] :30:05 IEC DateAndTime : [...] for Variable .NET DateTime
Date Date and time [...] Execution time Version
.NET DateTime [...] :30:05 IEC DateAndTime : [...] to measure the time. Call
instance and/or a local [...] and the <empty local call [...] local call
and the execution time (date and time). Information [...] Date , and Tester .
next to the date and time. Severity
to the list at a later time [...] : Standardtestrepository ; Location: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local