Command: Move All Variables to Individual Diagrams Function : This command causes the variables, which are displayed together in one diagram, to each be displayed individually in separate diagrams. Ca
Command: Statistics Function : The command opens the Trace Statistics dialog which shows statistics about each trace variable. Call : Trace menu; context menu Requirement : The trace editor contains s
Command: Upload Trace Function : The command establishes the connection to the controller if it is not already connected. Then it opens the Online List dialog where the traces which are running on the
Command: Save Trace Function : The command saves the data to a file on the development system. Depending on the file format, the configuration may also be saved. The Save Trace dialog opens. Call : Tr
Command: Load Trace Function : The command makes it possible to load a file which contains the configuration and data and was saved to the file system of the development system. The Load Trace dialog
Command: Export symbolic tracing config Function : The command exports a trace configuration to a *.traceconfig file. Call : Trace menu; context menu Requirement : The origin application includes a sy
Command: Configuration Function : The command opens the Trace Configuration dialog to enable the configuration of the data sampling. Call : Trace menu; context menu For more information, see: Trace Co