element, then note [...] is resized. Note also [...] or Fixed . Note
Example: Camera_Path_1 [...] in its normal state Note [...] Note Note: The alarm
itself to the frame size. Note [...] . Note: Assign [...] behind it. Note
point (in pixels) [1 [...] . Example: (1): Handle Note If a dynamic
Example: Werkstueck_1 [...] about its center as a handle. (1): Handle Note If a
about its center as a handle. (1): Handle Note If a [...] Note If the color
Example: Error_rate_part_1 [...] about its center as a handle. (1): Handle Note If a
literal. Note Sample [...] Note If the color [...] ) Example: 2 Note
. Note Sample project [...] in its normal state Note Note [...] in alarm state Note Note
Belt 1 Tip Assign [...] state Note The alarm [...] in alarm state Note