Visualization Element: Time Range Picker Symbol: Category: Date/Time Controls The element provides configurable buttons for setting the time range of a trend display to a defined time. In the process
Visualization Element: Date Picker Symbol: Category: Date/Time Controls The element is a calendar that displays the current date. A user can click a day to select a date, which is saved to a variable.
Visualization Element: Analog Clock Symbol: Category: Date/Time Controls The element is a clock that displays the current time of day. The clock can also display a random time. Note Sample project "An
Visualization Element: Date/Time Picker Symbol: Category: Date/Time Controls The element allows the visualization user to select a date (in a calendar) with a time. Element properties Are all element
Tab: Font Settings Symbol: Function : The tab provides settings for adapting the font and its size in the visualization according to the language. The settings apply to all visualizations of the appli
Tab: Advanced Settings Symbol: This tab is part of the Visualization Manager dialog. Table 38 . Memory Settings Size of memory for visualization Memory size (in bytes) allocated by the visualization a
Object: CODESYS TargetVisu Symbol: Function : The object is used for configuring CODESYS TargetVisu in order to display the visualization directly on the controller of an integrated or connected panel
Object: CODESYS WebVisu Symbol: Function : This object is used to configure the web-based display variant of a visualization which runs in an Internet browser remotely from the controller. This allows
Object: CODESYS Remote TargetVisu Symbol: Function : With the object, the visualization is downloaded to the controller and the start visualization for the Remote TargetVisu is defined. The object is
Object: Alarm Configuration Symbol: The alarms are managed in the Alarm Configuration object. When you insert the object, the following default objects are also inserted automatically: Alarm class: Er