. Example: en,de . [...] end value . Highest [...] end value . Highest
property at the end [...] category at the end [...] at the end of the list
PosSelection: INT; End position [...] selection ends Example: iPosEnd [...] ColumnSelection: INT; End line
of the end point (in [...] The visible text ends [...] ) that the end point
The visible text ends [...] BOOL := FALSE; END [...] _PRG.iSelStart Selection end Variable
end. Element [...] _PRG.iScaleStart Scale end Greatest [...] ) for the scale end Example
in Start index and End [...] end [...] , Scale end 50 .
to the other. End by double [...] The visible text ends [...] BOOL := FALSE; END
Maximum End value [...] type) for the end
_Var.rTempActual Scale → Scale end : [...] Scale → Scale end :