Text String (without [...] %<format string [...] of the placeholder. Tooltip String
String (without single [...] placeholder %<format string [...] of the placeholder. Tooltip String
for the STRING and WSTRING [...] above when using string data [...] above when using string data
String (without single [...] placeholder %<format string [...] of the placeholder. Tooltip String
-protected. Texts Text String [...] %<format string [...] of the placeholder. Tooltip String
Text String (without [...] %<format string [...] of the placeholder. Tooltip String
If for the data type STRING UTF [...] The string contains [...] TextID : STRING := '0
Text String (without [...] placeholder %<format string [...] (STRING) As fixed
are declared as a string [...] [1..3, 1..3] OF STRING [...] ButtonTip : STRING := 'This
LastTimestampDate : STRING; sLastTimestampTime : STRING; sLatch1 : STRING; s