Array element of a [...] STRING , WSTRING , and ARRAY . Parameters
_PRG.myPou.nCounter . Array access [...] to an array of scalar data [...] [i] Access to an array
REAL , STRING ), one [...] . In the case of an array [...] , Array
Text String (without [...] %<format string [...] of the placeholder. Tooltip String
If for the data type STRING UTF [...] The string contains [...] TextID : STRING := '0
Text String (without [...] placeholder %<format string [...] (STRING) As fixed
strings : The visualization encodes strings [...] Elems.CurrentVisu of type STRING .
. Texts Text String [...] placeholder %<format string [...] and configured as an array
-Frame-Color Color Element-ComboArray [...] Description Style STRING [...] -Shadow STRING DEEPENED, NONE
of string variables [...] string literal [...] the ARRAY data type