mark. Example: 5m30s [...] (integer variable) or %5 [...] Example: 20s , 1m Tick
61131-3. Example: T#1h2s , DINT#15 , REAL#1.5 , [...] of the Alarmmanager.library : AlarmGlobals.g_s
in version >= V3.5 SP [...] , and the ID s 0 and 1 [...] property (5). Specify
box (ms , s , m , h [...] field. Example: 1h1m1s [...] 1 Example: 5
61131-3. Example: T#1h2s , DINT#15 , REAL#1.5 , [...] of the Alarmmanager.library : AlarmGlobals.g_s
: %d , %5.2f ) [...] variable: s [...] . Standard variable: s
scale : 5 Scale → [...] Texts → Text : %s [...] +3+4) and the open doors (5
SubScale : INT := 5; END [...] displayed in m/s. Font [...] Examples: %d, %5.2f Max
of units in m/s Font [...] , %5.2f Max. text
of unit in m/s Font [...] : %d, %5.2f Max