Configuring and Starting Display Variants Note Example of visualization customization for different devices like monitors or tablets You can select from different variants for displaying your visualiz
Reference: Visualization Style Editor : See also : Applying Visualization Styles
Reference: User Interface :
: STRUCT iNo : [...] PartNumber : STRING; END_STRUCT [...] PLC_PRG VAR arrStruct
Displaying Data Graphs with a Trend Element A Trend visualizes data which is used in the database of a trend recording. In contrast to the Trace element, the Trend element is particularly suitable for
Displaying and Editing Text Files Using the Text Editor element, you can display a text file in the user interface and optionally allow the user to edit the file. :
Creating a Structured User Interface You can reference visualizations which are available or exist in the project in another visualization and therefore reuse them. You get a structured user interface
Displaying Data Graphs with Trace With this element, you can integrate a trace graph in the visualization that monitors and displays variable values permanently. You configure the displayed trace grap
Path data (VisuStruct3DTrack) Variable of type VisuStruct [...] . VisuStruct
VisuStruct [...] _PRG VAR XYChart : VisuStruct [...] Declaration TYPE STRUCT_A :