Visualization Element: Date/Time Picker Symbol: Category: Date/Time Controls The element allows the visualization user to select a date (in a calendar) with a time. Element properties Are all element
Tab: Font Settings Symbol: Function : The tab provides settings for adapting the font and its size in the visualization according to the language. The settings apply to all visualizations of the appli
Tab: Advanced Settings Symbol: This tab is part of the Visualization Manager dialog. Table 38 . Memory Settings Size of memory for visualization Memory size (in bytes) allocated by the visualization a
Object: CODESYS TargetVisu Symbol: Function : The object is used for configuring CODESYS TargetVisu in order to display the visualization directly on the controller of an integrated or connected panel
Object: CODESYS WebVisu Symbol: Function : This object is used to configure the web-based display variant of a visualization which runs in an Internet browser remotely from the controller. This allows
Object: CODESYS Remote TargetVisu Symbol: Function : With the object, the visualization is downloaded to the controller and the start visualization for the Remote TargetVisu is defined. The object is
Object: Alarm Group You use alarm groups to structure the management of individual alarms for an application. For the configuration, for each group you insert an Alarm Group below the Alarm Configurat
Object: Alarm Storage Important In case of a reset (origin), the alarm storage file is deleted. In Alarm Storage , you define the settings for the database file where the occurring alarms are stored.
Placeholders for User Management Placeholders for the Login visualization visualization type These placeholders are specified in the Text element property for the elements of the Login visualization v