. Texts Text String [...] placeholder %<format string [...] and configured as an array
Array element (base [...] STRING , WSTRING , and ARRAY . Parameters
Array element of a [...] STRING , WSTRING , and ARRAY . Parameters
-Frame-Color Color Element-ComboArray [...] Description Style STRING [...] -Shadow STRING DEEPENED, NONE
: STRING ) will contain [...] : Declaration of an interface [...] ItfNameDut_A: STRING; END_VAR VAR
of string variables [...] string literal [...] the ARRAY data type
variables are declared [...] or rectangle. For a string [...] . They are declared
with an Interface You can declare [...] variables are declared [...] , declare the interface
as declared [...] of the parameter as declared [...] STRING ) that contains
. For example, declare [...] the declaration of the control [...] _bEditFindNext Declaration of control