Floating-point number in fixed-point notation Floating-point numbers
points: [0] to [4 [...] point; the mouse [...] , another point
point (in pixels) [1 [...] of the end point (in [...] in the editor. The point
.2f (floating-point number [...] for the coordinates of the point [...] point is displayed
of points. The points [...] Edge point marking . Display of the points
in the editor. The point [...] for the coordinates of the point [...] point is displayed
in the editor. The point [...] for the coordinates of the point [...] point is displayed
for the coordinates of the point [...] point is displayed [...] -coordinate of the point of rotation Y Y
for the coordinates of the point [...] point is displayed [...] -coordinate of the point of rotation Y Y
for the coordinates of the point [...] point is displayed [...] -coordinate of the point of rotation Y Y