ARRAY[0..4] OF STRING [...] , Array Symbol [...] of an array as a list box
: Displaying Array Variables [...] is the display of data arrays [...] an array variable
-dimensional array is declared [...] : Displaying Array Data in a [...] : histogram : ARRAY
are declared as a string [...] arrays [...] to display array data in a
-dimensional array as a histogram [...] array One-dimensional array whose data
from an array. Call : [...] and the array data [...] : If array data
and the array declaration [...] Declaration of array [...] access to the array
If the declaration of the array [...] be represented as an array [...] -dimensional array, 2) a maximum
If for the data type STRING UTF [...] The string contains [...] _PRG POU, declare a type
. Declaration PROGRAM PRG [...] LastTimestampDate : STRING; sLastTimestampTime : STRING; s