CODESYS Visualization Support
Object: ImagePool The ImagePool object contains a table with image ID assignments. For more information, see: Using an Image Pool ID ID of the image You reference this ID, for example in the visualiza
CODESYS Visualization Support
Object: GlobalTextList Symbol: The object is used to manage and translate texts which are composed as static text in visualizations in the project. The object contains a table with these texts. When y
CODESYS Visualization Support
Object: Text List Symbol: The object is used to create, manage, and translate texts. It contains a table with texts where you can add new texts. You can select a text which you have composed here can
CODESYS Visualization Support
Command: Insert Image Symbol: Function : The command inserts a new line into an image pool. Call : Image Pool menu; context menu Requirements : An image pool is active and a line is selected in the im
CODESYS Visualization Support
Command: Insert Text Symbol: Function : A new line is inserted above the selected line in the text list. Below Default , an input field opens where you specify the output text. Call : Text List menu;